Monthly Motivation
Meet our friend Ammar, an Arabi refugee who recently fled Iraq for safety in the United States.
Meet our friend Ammar, an Arabi refugee who recently fled Iraq for safety in the United States.
One of HCC’s amazing Serving SPROUTS and her family found a creative way to cool off and raise funds for HCC.
Last month, while finishing clean-up duties at HCC, one of our directors heard a girl crying behind a dumpster outside.
This month’s monthly motivation is truly COMPASSION IN ACTION!
This month’s monthly motivation involves an HCC volunteer who was recently diagnosed with a few tumors growing on the lining of his stomach.
Did you ever wonder what a pile of 101,640 Q-Tips looks like?
Every time this family comes into the HCC, they are all smiling and excited to visit their favorite “store.”
Each HCC location has a small community board that is constantly filled with information about free community events, job training, job postings, classes and more.
HCC has been blessed with brand new Refrigerators and Freezers thanks to a grant given by the Association of Arizona Food Banks.
Last month, HCC’s local postal worker dropped in and asked if she could pick out three bags of toys for a family on her daily mail route.