The Harvest Compassion Center is a
Mitchell Swaback Charities Project

Mitchell Swaback Charities (MSC) is a public, non-profit 501(c) 3 that began operations in 2004. With strong supporters of MSC living in the Phoenix area, MSC’s board of directors approved the vision of opening a local food and clothing bank in the Valley. This vision became a reality in 2011, when the Harvest Compassion Center (HCC) welcomed its first guest.
Since opening, we’ve provided for families who have lost jobs, lost homes, had major health crisis, gone through divorce, deportation, depression and more. Families who are single parents, orphaned children, new widows, and immigrants. Some guests come every thirty days and have become friends whose names we know well, other guests come twice a year only when their budget is really tight. It doesn’t matter when we see our guests, what matters is every time they walk through our doors they are shown the love of the Lord.
About Mitchell Swaback Charities
The Mitchell Swaback Foundation was started October 15, 2004, after Mitchell Swaback, 23, was called home to heaven. Mitch’s passion to always serve and help others was the driving force behind the foundation being started to honor his legacy. On August 14, 2009, the name was changed to Mitchell Swaback Charities, making the former private foundation now a public charity. The purpose of this charity is to continue to impact individuals, organizations and families as Mitch had done so many times. We want to continue Mitch’s compassion to serve in local & overseas missions bringing hope to those in need while showing them the love of the Lord. Our prayer is to continue to form partnerships that will allow us to expand our ministry and make a difference in a variety of platforms.
More MSC Projects
When MSC was first created, we were following the lead of our son, brother, and friend Mitch Swaback, partnering with many other organizations on projects Mitch had once been a part of before being called home to heaven. Mitch’s heart was one of a giver, giving to his friends, to kids, to the less-fortunate and never saying no to anyone, no matter the situation. We gladly followed Mitch’s lead and partnered with many on some amazing projects.