Monthly Motivation

Meet our friend Ammar, an Arabi refugee who recently fled Iraq for safety in the United States. The first time we met Ammar he shared with us through Google Translate that he fled his home country after witnessing the execution of his mother, sister and aunt. The terror his family experienced motivated Ammar and his wife to flee their country and seek a land where they would no longer live in fear of being killed. Ammar shared with HCC volunteers that ‘his mind and heart were no good’ and they lived with little hope. By the end of their shopping trip at HCC, a slight smile could be seen on Ammar and his wife’s faces. On their way out they Google Translated again, “Thank you for the comfort you offered us today.” HCC provides more than just free food and clothes; we offer comfort for so many who have truly experienced darkness. Let Ammar’s story of survival motivate you today to provide comfort to someone in your life who may need it.