Monthly Motivation: June 2021
This past month HCC was honored to receive two grant awards that will help to financially support HCC’s ‘Food Banking Reimagined’ concept.
This past month HCC was honored to receive two grant awards that will help to financially support HCC’s ‘Food Banking Reimagined’ concept.
Anytime Auto Glass & Tint proud supporter of HCC
MSC is proud to announce Rory Shepherd and Madison Ellett as the 2021-2022 Torch Award recipients!
It was so exciting to see our very own Grand Canyon University Lopes qualify for their very first NCAA March Madness Tournament!
Everyday our clients continue to share stories of struggles related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Only a few days left to TAKE THE CREDIT for 2020!
Corey Peters and his Peters Ed Project Foundation joined forces again with HCC for Easter.
Thank you so much for YOUR GIVING on AZ GIVES DAY! On April 6, over 5.5 million was raised for over 980 local non-profits in the state of Arizona in just 24 hours!
Here are some 2020 impact number highlights to reassure all of us of the major impact that HCCs had on our local community last year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic!