Arizona Tax Credit and Impact AZ
Did you know you can TELL your tax DOLLARS where to go in the state of Arizona?
Did you know you can TELL your tax DOLLARS where to go in the state of Arizona?
Team MSC partnered for the first time with DuPage PADS for their 13th Annual 5k and 10k races held in Wheaton, Illinois last September 16th.
Co-Founder of Harvest Compassion Center Phoenix Nicolee Thompson’s husband has been the HCC’s number one volunteer since opening day in 2011. By default, Paul was always in the mix of everything Harvest Compassion, however, he would have it no other way.
Meet Chuck Sampson, if this guy doesn’t motivate you, no one will! Chuck just finished racing alongside four family generations with Team MSC in this month’s 5k race.
Jesus said to Peter, “Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it” (John 18:11, NASB)?
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13, ESV).
Let us introduce to you Tim and Ruth who have gone above and beyond by faithfully serving at the Harvest Compassion Center Phoenix, as well as, creating homeless packs for our HCC guests.
All of us at MSC, Inc. are thrilled to announce the 2017-2018 HCA Torch Award recipients for the current school year.
Join Team MSC as we partner with DuPage Pads 13th Annual Run 4 Home 10k & 5k Run, and 5k Walk this coming September 16th in Wheaton, Illinois.
Join Team MSC as we partner with DuPage Pads 13th Annual Run 4 Home 10k & 5k Run, and 5k Walk this coming September 16th in Wheaton, Illinois.