December Monthly Motivation
This month Lola will receive a Christmas toy bag filled with items she loves because of the generous donations from our local community!
This month Lola will receive a Christmas toy bag filled with items she loves because of the generous donations from our local community!
This past quarter Lori Schweighardt, HCC’s Serving SPROUTS Coordinator, led our SPROUTS families in their fall serving event in partnership with Packages From Home.
Today, you can TAKE THE CREDIT and feed families with HCC for FREE by utilizing the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit program.
We were once again blown away by the generosity of others to make sure over 500 local families had a turkey dinner to enjoy!
Last month, Paul, director at HCC Maryvale, hand-delivered product that would help at-risk kids adapt to in-person learning in their new COVID-19 modified school classrooms.
Yes, it’s TOY TIME again! HCC’s 2020 Christmas Toy Drive officially kicked off a few days ago and we need YOU to help us collect 10,000 brand-new toys for local kids this holiday season!
As most of us prepare to say goodbye to 2020, it’s also time to send in your Arizona Charitable Tax Credit gift.
As Thanksgiving approaches later this month, I’d like to share my thank-you list…
Tony, one of HCC’s regular homeless clients, found enough courage to take the necessary steps to finally get off the streets.
Since opening, HCC West Phoenix has served over 75 brand-new families and has, linked arms with new volunteers and local partners in West Phoenix.