SPROUTS Serve this Summer!
HCC’s Kids-Feeding-Kids program has been growing these past two months under the new leadership of Serving SPROUTS Coordinator, Lauren Sullivan. Every quarter our SPROUTS (Small People Reaching Out Unselfishly To Serve) volunteer their time with a Valley nonprofit whose mission is different than HCC. SPROUTS learn about another nonprofit’s specific outreach, how they can serve immediately and also stay connected for future events.
Last month, in the 110-degree heat of Phoenix in July, over 25 SPROUTS, their families and friends participated in their quarterly service event with Unite Phoenix. Unite Phoenix does exactly what their name says, they want to ‘unite Phoenix’ to serve their community. Unite Phoenix encourages groups and churches of all denominations to come together to meet the needs of their local neighbors. Last month, Unite Phoenix had a couple service options to pick from: some SPROUTS stuffed and passed out backpacks in the East Valley, others helped paint a local school and a few more hosted water games for local kids in their apartment complex. “It was so fun meeting and playing with the kids today. Since it was so hot, we all had a lot of fun getting wet and teaching them new water games. We got to give everyone a pair of flip flops, too!” commented a SPROUT.
Thank you to Unite Phoenix for the opportunity to meet and participate with other Valley nonprofits who are doing great work.
Excellent job, SPROUTS and families, for bearing the heat to SERVE!
Interested in learning more about Serving SPROUTS and how your kids can get involved? Email Lauren.
See more photos from the event HERE.