
Join HCC’s School Supply/Backpack Drive!

This month all HCC locations are making it easy for you to get involved in your local community by helping us collect brand new backpacks and school supplies for children of all of ages. Girls’ and boys’ backpacks for kids ages 4 to 16 are needed, as well as school supplies covering kindergarten to high school. Last year, over 600 kids received brand new backpacks! Please help us increase this number and prepare more students for the 2018-2019 school year. Businesses can contact us for donation collection bins that can be placed in lobbies and waiting rooms and individual families can join the fun by purchasing an extra set of school supplies as they begin their back-to-school shopping.

We know the temperature is HOT and summer is officially here, however, the first day of school will be here before we know it.

Help us make sure that every HCC kid is fully prepared! For information about this year’s drive please contact Adrie Olson at