It’s The New Year, Did You Forget To Make Your 2018 Arizona Charitable Tax-Credit Gift?
Don’t worry if you didn’t get that gift submitted before the end of 2018, Arizona law allows you to still make your tax-credit gift until April 2019!
Don’t worry if you didn’t get that gift submitted before the end of 2018, Arizona law allows you to still make your tax-credit gift until April 2019!
11 months after opening HCC Maryvale has found its stride! Paul Thompson, Director of Operations, reports an explosion of activity at this newest location.
HCC sends out a HUGE THANK YOU to all local community partners who collected one, two, or more HCC toy bins during the Holiday season. Your incredible dedication to serve others allowed the many smiling faces to experience some extra Christmas joy!
Last month a friend called the HCC and asked if she could donate a few frozen turkeys and other Thanksgiving specific food items.
All of us HCC would like to welcome Katie Martino as our newest team member.
This December, HCC would like to shine the spotlight on an amazing HCC volunteer, Kathleen Trapp, whose own parents taught her how to serve at a young age.
As you consider your year-end giving this month, we humbly ask that you consider making a year-end gift to the Harvest Compassion Center.
There’s still time to get in on Harvest Compassion Center’s Annual Toy Drive! This month HCC Phoenix and Maryvale will begin distributing toys to families who come in for their regular shopping trip.
We need YOUR HELP to stock our centers with Toys and Holiday Gifts for LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED.
Last month Team MSC gathered 200 strong as we partnered for the second year with DuPage Pads in Wheaton, Illinois for our annual 5k walk/run.