Monthly Motivation: Tree
During the rain and snowstorms last month the home of one of HCC’s staff members was hit hard.
During the rain and snowstorms last month the home of one of HCC’s staff members was hit hard.
Meet, Kora and her daughter Emma. Kora randomly dropped in at HCC last month asking for one item only, baby formula.
Last year Harvest Compassion Centers were blessed to earn a grant partnership with the Junior League of Phoenix that will continue for the next couple of years.
Last month Arizona Coyotes star and defensive captain Oliver Ekman-Larsson surprised HCC with a large donation of Christmas toys, food and kids’ winter jackets, clothes, and shoes just as our supplies were running low!
This month HCC has two exciting announcements as our organization continues to grow creating greater impact in our community!
Thank you to The Giving Group AZ for their generous quarterly gift allowing HCC to feed hundreds of local families right before Christmas!
For the first time in ten years all HCC locations were fortunate to hand out holiday hams to local families right before Christmas!
Did you know that HCC is committed to building up the next generation of community leaders through our kids-feeding-kids program, Serving S.P.R.O.U.T.S?
All of us at Team HCC want to send a special thank you to the Arizona Coyotes organization for hosting a drive through Holiday food drive last month!
Thank you to all of our community toy donors who made it a very special Christmas for hundreds of Valley families!