“You Made Me Feel Human!”

There are many families who walk into our centers feeling lost, ‘less-than,’ and not knowing their true worth. HCC aims to be different each day we are open, making sure clients know they are valued. HCC aims to truly see and hear everyone who visits us. HCC’s goal is to build trusting, authentic friendships with, not just one individual or even a handful, but with every single client.
But how do we know that we are accomplishing this goal?
Many families come and go, never to visit HCC again.
Handwritten notes like this one, dropped in the mail, encourage us. We are, indeed, changing lives, one at a time!
“Hello, today I dropped off several bags of clothing on behalf of a friend who is having to close her clothing business. I came in today to donate to you because a friend suggested HCC to me. My friend and her entire family visited HCC several years ago when her husband lost his job just after they had their first child. They were scared and visited you all for help. My friend told me she never forgot how special you all were to them. She mentioned other places just handing her stuff, but when she came to HCC, she truly felt human! Thank you for helping my friend and for continuing to help so many families. I know my clothing donations will truly impact another family just like my friend was years ago!”