Volunteer Spotlight: Carol Augustine

This month we’d like to shine a light on one of our rockstar volunteers, Carol Augustine, who has been volunteering at the Harvest Compassion Center Phoenix for the past three years. Carol started out serving our guests in our clothing boutique; today she works the front desk checking guests in. Carol’s heart has always been drawn to serving her local community; from the moment she heard about the HCC’s outreach in the Valley she couldn’t wait to get started!
Being bilingual Carol is a huge blessing to our Spanish speaking guests who make up 45% of our overall client base. Carol counts it a privilege for the opportunity to truly get to know each guest who walks in the HCC doors. She is encouraged as guests share with her their personal struggles and hardships, as well as, their thankfulness for the HCC.
When Carol was asked how her life has changed by volunteering at the HCC she replied, “To be able to pray and share the Lord’s love to the broken, mentally ill, addicted, homeless or even just everyday people, is just beyond words. Remembering why this charity was started, the legacy that Mitch has left, and the commitment to carry that out tirelessly, motivates me to keep a healthy perspective on what is really important in life.”
Carol also raves about the other faithful HCC volunteers who serve sacrificially week in and week out, proving the mission of Harvest Compassion Center is truly a team effort! Today we thank Carol for her faithful service to the HCC. Volunteers like Carol are the reason the HCC can open its’ doors and serve 500 plus families a month.
For more information on how you can volunteer, please check out our volunteer page on our website.