
Turkey Time!

Last month we had so much to be thankful for during the Thanksgiving holiday, however, we were once again blown away by the generosity of others to make sure over 500 local families had a turkey dinner to enjoy! During the week of Thanksgiving hundreds of frozen, 25-pound turkeys literally flew out of our freezers and into clients shopping carts! In addition, over 220 fully cooked turkey meals that included tasty sides were handed out in family style containers.

We’d like to send a huge thank you to Ann and Michael Harper who donated 100 turkeys and over 200 side dishes to our families, as well as Local First Arizona who helped coordinate the fully cooked meals! “It’s always one of our busiest weeks of the year and this year was no different. Families were blown away by the size of our turkeys and that their entire Thanksgiving meal was provided for free! It’s a blessing every single time I get to walk out to a client’s car and help load their turkey,” commented Paul Thompson, HCC Maryvale director of operations.

Thank you to all those who held local food drives and donated food product to ensure that families didn’t go without!

Interested in hosting a food drive this month?