Save-the-Date Serving S.P.R.O.U.T.S Open House

May 14, 2016, the Harvest Compassion Center is hosting our first Serving S.P.R.O.U.T.S. Open House 10 to 11am! How will your kids be spending their summer?
This kids program is geared towards kids of all ages, 2 to 18, teaching and engaging them in the act of serving others. Come join us on the 14th and hear how your children can get excited to work odd jobs earning a wage to feed their neighbors. With the help of moms and dads kids will dream up their work jobs, approach those in their community and earn a dollar at a time to earn $28.00 dollars a month, the amount needed to FEED 1 family a month! Kids CAN feed families and CAN make an impact! Come sign up on the 14th; receive your free Serving S.P.R.O.U.T.S t-shirt and contract, as we be intentional this summer on serving others!
Serving S.P.R.O.U.T.S “Small People Reaching Out Unselfishly To Serve!”