Monthly Motivation: Our Friend the Plumber

Last month MSC held their board meeting at the new HCC Maryvale center. The board was very excited to be able to see the new space and progress made as HCC Maryvale prepared to open. As their meeting started two construction workers popped-in unannounced to finish some punch list items. One of these workers was cutting holes through the cinder-block wall for ventilation and another was a plumber who needed access to the front ceiling to reach some pipes. It ended up that the plumber placed his ladder two feet from where the board was meeting. Through the loud cutting noise and the plumber who’s legs we could see dangling out of the ceiling just feet away, the board began its’ meeting. During the meeting the board took several minutes to pray for the new center, for those who will be walking in for service, and for the mission of MSC/HCC. Little did the board know that our friend the plumber was listening to every word from the ceiling above.
After everyone had left except one board member our friend the plumber had this to say, “That was so cool to hear you all praying for this building and what you guys are doing here. I started praying with you as you all continued to pray. I also prayed right then and there that God would use me in a place like this, I now know that I need to do something more and give back to others. How do I get in touch with someone so my wife and I can volunteer?”
What an awesome reminder that what we think are interruptions in our life, are pieces of God’s perfect plan.