April Monthly Motivation
The lines are longer than usual at Harvest Compassion Centers and the heartbreaking stories can take an emotional toll on all of us. Thankfully, HCC staff and volunteers have also heard many stories of amazing survival and perseverance. One first-time HCC client visited us when both mom and dad were recently laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A young couple with three kids including a newborn baby one month old, told us their family is one week away from becoming homeless and losing their apartment. HCC staff was able to give them food, hygiene products, baby diapers and wipes and also provide additional housing resource information. Before they left us, we offered to pray with them. We can’t hold hands or give them a hug right now, but the encouragement they received through our prayer was enough. Before they left, the young mom turned around and said with a new confidence, “We will get through this! Thank you for being here and reminding us that we can!”