Let’s Get Moving TOGETHER, to FEED Families!

Join Team HCC’s FEED1 Walk/Run 2022 for FREE as we continue to feed, clothe, and love our community!
Saturday, October 29, 2022 **you pick the best time for you to get outside and go for a run, walk, hike, bike ride, swim or however you want to get moving! Then take a selfie & post with #FEED1 to show everyone your support!
What’s your motivation?
Our goal is to come together as ONE TEAM across not only Arizona but the entire U.S. to raise funds to feed and love families recovering from the pandemic.
Our goal is to have 70 participants/teams, each raising $500 or MORE! 100% of funds raised goes towards feeding families!
Registration is FREE by creating your team page on our website and once you register, you and your team members will receive our FEED1 2022 goody bag mailed straight to your home! Create your team page today and help us reach our goal of raising $125,000 to feed families through the fall months! Don’t forget Matching Gift Sponsorships are available too!

Last month we were honored to serve and meet a sweet mom, Susan, and her three kids. It was Susan’s first time in a food bank. She was nervous and probably didn’t want to be there but she was encouraged by a friend who took the time to drive the family out to HCC. The friend had volunteered at HCC years ago with her family and knew it was a safe place that Susan would enjoy. Susan has been knocked down a couple times before and this time she shared that her husband had just walked out on her and the kids. The kids were nervous that, since dad was gone, they wouldn’t have enough groceries and, honestly, so was Susan. Susan’s friend, after hearing the devasting news, jumped into action and insisted on holding their hands through this season, starting with a group trip to HCC.
Susan was blown away by the kindness she received at HCC that morning. HCC staff was blown away by her strength and her friend’s compassion. Susan kept saying ‘thank you’ over and over again, each time she would receive another grocery item or clothing for her kids. As they looked for shoes for each of the three kids, we just happened to have their sizes and all three pairs fit perfectly! Susan looked relieved; at least a little stress and worry was now off her shoulders. Susan also allowed us to pray with her. During that prayer she also shared that she is going through a difficult health diagnosis.
As Susan, her friend and the kids left HCC that morning our staff and volunteers alike felt so honored to meet this special family who showed us all such strength!