How did a hand full of kids raise over $1,000 to feed local kids?

Did you know that HCC is committed to building up the next generation of community leaders through our kids-feeding-kids program, Serving S.P.R.O.U.T.S? With 1 in 4 kids going without three meals a day HCC leaders knew that kids who were not hungry needed to be a part of the solution! Our Serving S.P.R.O.U.T.S program comes alongside parents and grandparents as together we train kids to serve, feed and love those who are hungry.
Last month we were blown away by a few of our S.P.R.O.U.T families who, together, raised over $1,000 to feed local kids! Alijah and Alex got to work making, promoting, and selling their famous homemade hot fudge sauce. “Every year our friends and family ask for our great grandpa’s famous hot fudge for Christmas so a couple years ago we started selling it and using the money to feed kids through the S.P.R.O.U.T.S. program. This year we made and sold 108 jars of fudge and raised enough to feed two families for the entire year of 2021!” said Alijah, 14 years-old.
“We learned how to make the fudge with our Papa and now, with the help of our grandma we will continue making his famous recipe for others to enjoy and we get to give back at the same time. It takes a lot of work, but we’re helping kids, so we’ll continue to help!” added Alex 12-years-old.

Two more Rockstar S.P.R.O.U.T families, the Martins and Costellos, decided to hold a drive-up bake sale one afternoon before Christmas. Not only did the kids help make the yummy treats and sell them to those who walked and drove up, they also promoted HCC’s toy drive and many customers brought a toy to donate as well!
“We had so many people come to our bake sale and we had a tip jar out and neighbors were donating $10 and $20 dollar bills!” exclaimed Rhett. “Over 150 toys combined were donated by our neighbors, it was so much fun to see all the kids so excited to give back!”
Overall, these kids should inspire us all! Their combined efforts fed over 36 families! Thank you, SPROUT families for working so hard to feed and love hungry kids!

Interested in joining our kids-feeding-kids program, click here.