HCC Volunteer Spotlight: Herrington Family

This month HCC would like to shine a BRIGHT LIGHT on our amazing HCC volunteers, the Herrington Family. The Herrington Family, who reside in North Phoenix, have also been members of HCC’s Serving SPROUTS Kids-Feeding-Kids program. They have been regularly volunteering at HCC Phoenix for over two years. Chris and Carrie, dad and mom to Colin (14), Charis (12), and Cuyler (10) have had experience in almost every aspect of volunteering at HCC. “We have worked in food and clothing, stocking shelves, cleaning, packing diapers and are even starting to learn computer check-in,” commented Carrie. “We have really enjoyed serving monthly at HCC alongside our kids, our homeschool co-op group, at SRPOUTS events, and with our church small group. There are so many ways to get involved in HCC!”
This family loves the chance to volunteer together. “We are pulled in all different directions during the week and on the weekend, but at the HCC we get to serve the Lord and our community together.”
When we asked Chris and Carrie if their and/or their kids’ lives have changed at all since volunteering at HCC they replied, “Our children are very aware of the suffering around us. By meeting people at the HCC, they have become much more compassionate to those in need. They have also become more intentional in looking for opportunities to help others. That is something every parent wants to see in their children.”
HCC thanks the entire Herrington Family for their years of service. They truly see that they live in a community where there are those who suffer and, instead of watching from the sidelines, this family has jumped into serving with both feet!
“True joy comes from loving your neighbor and we get to experience this joy by being the hands and feet of the Lord every month.”