HCC Serving on the Frontlines

The world we live in has officially changed. Wearing protective masks and gloves, standing six feet apart and refraining from giving a handshake or hug are now formal protocols that we are asked to follow. The last three months have brought us all feelings of panic, fear and hesitation. At HCC we have a unique perspective as we have also experienced compassion, care and love from hundreds. Every week at HCC locations the needs have changed and, every time they have, our community has stepped up and answered those SOS calls! HCC asked for baby diapers and wipes, non-perishable food and volunteers who are needed five days a week so we can continue serving our neighbors in need. Today we want to celebrate the many who have sacrificially given their time to mask and glove up to make sure HCCs remained open even, during a pandemic! To you, we send our sincere gratitude!

Moving forward we are thrilled to announce starting in June HCC lobbies will re-open and some normal shopping operations will be reinstated. As HCC operations are reinstated, HCCs will still practice all CDC safety recommendations for staff, clients and volunteers.