Goodbye 2020, Hello Arizona Charitable Tax Credit!

As most of us prepare to say goodbye to 2020, it’s also time to send in your Arizona Charitable Tax Credit gift. Many Arizonans prefer to make their tax liability gift before the year’s end. Arizona law allows those who pay Arizona state taxes to donate what they owe to HCC instead of the state, up to $400 for those who file as a single and $800 for married couples. Once you give your state liability gift to HCC, submit your HCC giving receipt to your CPA and ask for your dollar-for-dollar credit. Be sure to include HCC’s state code: 20157. Millions are donated each year through the Charitable Tax Credit program which allows hundreds of nonprofits, just like HCC, to continue their outreach work!
This holiday season you get to TAKE THE CREDIT and feed families with your state tax dollars! Please share this news with a friend today!
Still not sure how the Charitable Tax Credit plan works? Click here to watch a 60-second video explaining the program.