Volunteer Spotlight: Paul Thompson

Co-Founder of Harvest Compassion Center Phoenix Nicolee Thompson’s husband has been the HCC’s number one volunteer since opening day in 2011. By default, Paul was always in the mix of everything Harvest Compassion, however, he would have it no other way. Paul was instrumental in the build out of the HCC Phoenix’s first location, as well as, their current location and serves weekly by handling all major food/product pickups. Two major food partners of the HCC Phoenix are St. Mary’s Food Bank and Midwest Food Bank, who Paul visits weekly getting essential food items that serve our guests. Paul spends countless hours stocking and restocking the HCC’s shelves and always with a smile on his face. “When you think about those who come visit the HCC, they really are no different than each of us. At any time, I could be in their shoes, it’s just a blessing to be able to serve weekly and be light to those who come visit us,” replied Paul.
Whether it’s running around town picking up product or working an event with his wife Nicolee to promote the HCC, Paul has always been an ‘all in’ type of servant! The Harvest Compassion Center Phoenix would not run as smoothly as it does without Paul’s heart, energy and attitude that bleeds compassion. All of us at the HCC would like to publicly thank Paul for his years of service!
To find out more how you can volunteer at the Harvest Compassion Center Phoenix please contact Adrie Olson.