2022 Feed1 Walk/Run – We Need You!

This month we NEED YOU! Join Team HCC’s FEED1 Walk/Run 2022 virtual event for FREE as we continue to feed local families into the busy holiday season!
Saturday, October 29, 2022 **you pick the best time for you to get outside and go for a run, walk, hike, bike ride, swim or however you want to get moving! Then take a selfie & post with #FEED1 to show everyone your support!
What’s your motivation?
Our goal is to come together as ONE TEAM across not only Arizona but the entire U.S. to raise funds to feed and love families recovering from the pandemic.
Registration is FREE by creating your team page on our website and, once you register, you and your team members will receive our FEED1 2022 goody bag mailed straight to your home!
We need twenty more teams this month, sign up here!
***Great PRIZES for those who join us and donate! Overnight stay at the Strawberry Inn, tickets to the Phoenix Open and tickets to a Cloth & Flame dining experience!
Did you know we have Matching Gift Sponsors? Your sponsorship will allow our participating teams to DOUBLE every dollar donated! Email Lauren at lsullivan@hccfeed1.org for more information on how to become a FEED1 Matching Gift Sponsor!