SPROUTS Summer Serving Project: Amanda Hope Rainbow Angels

Each quarter our kids-feeding-kids program, Serving SPROUTS, pour their focus on another community outreach. This summer our SPROUTS, their families and friends made tie-blankets to be donated to Amanda Hope. We look for at-home projects that parents and grandparents can do together with their kids between their busy summer vacations. Last month our SPROUTS coordinator hand-delivered 36 brand new blankets to Amanda Hope Founder Lorraine Tallman. Amanda Hope serves over 1,000 families every year who have children in the hospital with cancer and other childhood diseases. Amanda Hope provides family counseling services, financial assistance and, most importantly, HOPE to these brave children. These blankets will be given to children in the hospital to make their stay a little more comfortable.
When speaking to Jessie Swygert, Director of Operations at Amanda Hope, she shared, “These blankets are such a comfort for kids while they are in the hospital battling cancer and receiving a gift from another child in the community always puts a smile on their face. All of us at Amanda Hope are thankful for this incredible donation of blankets.”
Thank you to all SPROUTS who participated in our summer outreach. All of us at HCC are thrilled to see our SPROUTS making a true impact within our community in so many ways!
To find out more information about how you can join our Serving SPROUTS Program and/or see the calendar of this fall’s outreach events please email Lauren.