Run1 Feed1 SUCCESS!

HCC sends out a HUGE thank you to each and every participant that joined our Run1 Feed1 Virtual Race on October 3. We had over 50 families, groups and businesses join us for this event and are thrilled to announce that together we have raised a record breaking $113,730.22 to feed local families during the fall months! A special “thank you” to the Stand By You Foundation for their matching funds that helped us reach our goal!
COVID-19 has increased the overall need for local families while also forcing food costs to increase. Each dollar raised will assist all of our HCC locations, ensuring shelves are fully stocked for the coming months!

Even though we couldn’t gather in one location for a group photo, take a look at the some of the team photos and selfies that Run1 Feed1 participants took on their own as they got outside to ‘move’ on October 3! As the world continues to be divided on so many issues, we are humbled and glad to see so many come together in UNITY to feed strangers in their greatest time of need!
If you missed your chance to support your favorite Run1 Feed1 team member, don’t worry. Team pages are up for another 30 days. Go to to support a friend today!