Monthly Motivation: Steve Ely

Monthly Motivation:
Steve Ely Races Ironman While Promoting HCC
The Ironman competition is a 3-sport event initiated by a US Naval officer in 1978. It was the result of a discussion between athletes of what was the toughest sport on the island of Hawaii. They compared swimming, biking and running. The result was a championship consisting of a 2.4 miles swim, a 112-mile bike and a 26.2-mile run. The finisher would be called “Ironman”. Since then, Ironman competitions have grown around the world, including one held in Tempe, Arizona last month which was Steve Ely’s very first Ironman race.
Steve often is asked the very popular question, “Why on earth would you (or anyone else) want to do this?” Steve replied, “The short answer is that I recently found myself in a familiar place, needing an extended time of prayer, study, reflection, and time with my Lord. From past experiences, I knew that training would give me this time that I needed. By the end of 2015, I was just coming to the end of a significantly challenging season of my life, realizing that I was feeling kind of beat up and dried out, this physical challenge was what I needed to change things up a bit. I believe the Ironman race is really a metaphor for my life, as it reminds me of my own life’s endurance.”
Thousands of participants compete in the Tempe Ironman, while thousands more come to cheer on their beloved family members and friends, Steve knew he had an awesome platform to promote a worthy cause that he held close to his heart, The Harvest Compassion Center. Steve has been a huge supporter of MSC, Inc. and HCC for several years, being a very large part of organizing a couple of local races benefiting the HCC. Steve commented, “The founders turned deep personal tragedy of the death of Mitchell Swaback into a vehicle of hope for others who have none.”
When Steve committed to training for and competing in this Ironman race, it was important that attention be directed to the giver of all good things. Steve added, “I wanted to get a message out through my effort that leaning in to do God’s work was not only very rewarding, but filled with blessings. My hope is that as I speak about my experience and show the pictures, attention will be given to MSC and the Harvest Compassion Center.”
We’re happy to announce that Steve competed very well in his Ironman race completing the race in 13 hours and 44 minutes and 22 seconds! Since completing his race Steve has been able to reflect on the experience and has learned a few worthy life lessons such as: the importance of doing something worthy, the importance of having a great plan, and the importance of perseverance.
For a few years Steve imagined what it would be like to be crossing that finish line and hearing his name being called over the loud speakers before the thousands of cheering spectators “Steve Ely . . . you are an IRONMAN!” We send our congrats to Steve for his amazing accomplishment and thank him for his continued partnership.
2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the Race, I have kept the faith.”