Monthly Motivation: March 2022
We often receive new toy donations throughout the year. Most of these brand-new toys go into storage and are distributed during our December Christmas Toy Extravaganza. Each center, however, keeps a box in the back with extra new toys, just in case a kid visits HCC on their birthday. Two months ago, a little girl visited HCC Maryvale and immediately ran to tell Paul, the manager, her big news, “Mr. Paul, Mr. Paul, guess what?” the 8-year-old shouted. “What?” asked Paul. “It’s my birthday today!” That day when the little girl went home, Mr. Paul made sure she left with special birthday gifts. One gift was a bracelet-making kit. The little girl opened that box first and said jewelry was her favorite!
Last month the little girl and her family visited HCC Maryvale again. This time the little girl was the one handing out gifts!