Monthly Motivation: God’s Timing is Always Perfect

Debbie, a HCC volunteer, had been putting off coming into the HCC for months. She just never got around to contacting the HCC to start volunteering. Life would get busy, things would come up and before too long she just never came in. Finally after hearing about the HCC at her local church, Debbie knew she needed to take action and start serving her community! She came in for a tour, filled out the paperwork and found herself on the volunteer schedule for November for her very first morning of service. She was very excited and eager to help, meet HCC guests and other HCC volunteers. On Debbie’s first morning volunteering, she was drawn to one HCC volunteer, a lady, who was particularly quiet that morning. After seeking her out and striking up a conversation she soon learned that her new friend was just diagnosed with cancer. This was the reason she was not talkative or her normal up-beat self. As Debbie continued to hear more about this diagnosis she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was the same cancer diagnosis Debbie herself dealt with and is still healing from; the two have the same treatment plan, same doctors and more. What a blessing it was for Debbie to share her experience with someone who was terrified of her new normal. Do you think it was a conquincidence that Debbie finally got around to checking out the HCC to volunteer and just happened to richly bless another volunteer on her first morning in? Sometimes our ‘tardiness’ is God’s perfect timing!