Monthly Motivation: Chuck Sampson

Meet Chuck Sampson, if this guy doesn’t motivate you, no one will! Chuck just finished racing alongside four family generations with Team MSC in this month’s 5k race. On race day Chuck was 90.68 years young and was all in as he once again hit the 3.1-mile course with his daughter walking by his side. Chuck was the oldest racer on any course that morning, and he also was one of the last to finish. However, it wasn’t about how fast he was, or that an 81-year-old lady passed … no, what stands out clearly is Chuck’s faith and devotion to continue to live a life following God. Chuck has said, “As long as God wants to still use me, I’m here!” Chuck showed up big time raising over $3,600 for Team MSC. The next time you’re tired, run-down, and just too busy with life; remember Chuck’s attitude, “If He’ll use me, I’m here.” How can you be used today to show compassion to someone else?