Monthly Motivation: Wedding Bells
At HCC we’re happy to announce the ringing of wedding bells!
At HCC we’re happy to announce the ringing of wedding bells!
Every week we meet extraordinary people, community members who are led to help others in some special way.
With amazing partners like the Arizona Coyotes and the Coyotes Cares Foundation, we will continue to feed, clothe and, most importantly, love local families and kids.
We live in the richest nation in the world, yet we have neighbors like Susana who are struggling to make sure her kids do not go hungry each month!
As Christmas is fast approaching, this is the last call to donate toys to help HCC provide Christmas JOY this holiday season!
This month we NEED YOU! Join Team HCC’s FEED1 Walk/Run 2022 virtual event for FREE as we continue to feed local families into the busy holiday season!
Last month one of our favorite families came in to shop. Their 4-year-old boy stormed through our front door, yelling with excitement, “We’re here, we’re here!”
Thank you, Arizona’s Family Channel 3, for highlighting Harvest Compassion Center last month during the morning news!
Because we serve thousands of kiddos every year, a huge priority is making sure the needs of our youngest clients are always taken care of!
Last month this little girl, Luna, was having a wonderful time playing in our kids’ play corner while mom and grandma shopped for the family’s groceries.