
Happy New Year!

As we dive into 2023, we want to recap all the things we are grateful for in 2022!
Here’s our Top 10 List of ‘What We Are THANKFUL For 2022!’

10. For the brand-new box truck that allows HCC to deliver more fresh food product to our centers, five days a week!

9. For our amazing community partners who share product with HCC to impact more families each day we are open!

8. For each ‘behind the scenes’ volunteer and team member whose jobs may look insignificant but is so important and valued!

7. For each local grocery store HCC works with, providing additional fresh produce, dairy, bakery, and frozen food to our families!

6. For each individual and family who cleans out their closets and donates gently used clothing items!

5. For each person who knows about HCC, then tells a friend, family member, their boss, their school, and really anyone who will listen!

4. For each social media follower and those who take a moment to leave us a Google review!

3. For a team who continues to knock it out every time they are asked!

2. For each donor who sacrificially gives so others do not go without!

1. For each volunteer who gives their time to serve, connect, and love another human!

We thank the Lord daily for the opportunity to begin our 14th year of serving families in the Valley!

From our HCC Family to yours, Happy New Year!