
Going Back-2-School in Style!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to our Summer Sneaker & Snacks drive—over 490 pairs of brand-new gym shoes were donated!

HCC has been bustling this month, helping excited kids gear up for back-to-school with new sneakers! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to our Summer Sneaker & Snacks drive—over 490 pairs of brand-new gym shoes were donated! At HCC West Phoenix, our team was assisting children in choosing their shoes when they noticed one little girl, Emmy, looking a bit nervous. HCC volunteer, Morgan, introduced herself and learned that Emmy was anxious about not being able to tie the laces on her new shoes. Morgan guided Emmy through the process at a nearby table, demonstrating step by step how to make “bunny ears” and successfully tie her new shoes.

Thanks to the generosity of our community and the dedication of our volunteers, Emmy and hundreds of other local kids are now ready to start the school year with confidence and style!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to our Summer Sneaker & Snacks drive—over 490 pairs of brand-new gym shoes were donated!