December Monthly Motivation

Meet Lola. She’s five years old and loves babies, bringing her stuffed animal bear with her everywhere, and kicking a soccer ball. She has two younger siblings and three older siblings. Together with her mom and dad, they live in a two-bedroom apartment. Lola shares a room, bed, and closet with all of her sisters and brothers. Lola also told us that her favorite time of year is ‘Christmas time!’ This month Lola will receive a Christmas toy bag filled with items she loves because of the generous donations from our local community! HCC’s goal is to distribute 10,000 toys to kids just like Lola. This is our LAST CALL for partners to help make sure local kids have a joyous Christmas morning! Donate a toy today at any HCC location. All HCC locations hope to collect enough toys to distribute daily until Christmas Eve! From Lola and all of us at HCC, we say Merry Christmas and Thank You!