COVID-19 Update: Welcome Back Kids!

As Arizona’s governor announced new mask-wearing recommendations last month, HCCs are thrilled to announce that the re-opening of HCC lobbies, kids’ play corners, regular food shopping and clothing boutiques has gone smoothly! Maintaining HCC’s safety guidelines (social distancing, requiring masks and gloves and a ‘Gel In, Gel Out’ policy) has allowed HCC to fully reopen all normal operations. This month all clothing boutiques reopened and we are thrilled to be giving out freshly laundered summer clothes!
The best part of being able to safely reopen all parts of the HCCs is to see the smiles of kids who visit us weekly! Paul Thompson, director of HCC Maryvale, told us, “One family I know very well came in to visit. After one of the son’s hands had been cleaned he was so excited to run over and play in our kids’ corner. When he got there, he turned around and yelled, Mr. Paul, where are all the toys? I told him we get to bring each kid special toys from the back now. A couple minutes later I returned with two books and two toys that this kiddo got to take home! The kids we serve know we love them and care. It’s so awesome to see them again!”
HCCs are committed to the safety and well-being of all who visit our centers. All CDC COVID-19 safety guidelines will be permanently in place until 2021. Thank you all for helping HCC’s outreach continue strongly during COVID!