
Online Donations

Make a generous one-time donation or sign up to become a FEED1 Monthly partner for $28 a month.

Tell your Arizona state taxes to feed a family with HCC!


Donate By Mail

To make a donation by mail, please make check(s) payable to:

Harvest Compassion Center
4744 E. Thunderbird Road, Ste. 9,
Phoenix, AZ 85032


Thank you for feeding local families and kids with HCC! Harvest Compassion Center is fully funded and operated by Mitchell Swaback Charities, Inc. a non-profit organization, exempt from federal income under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Service code.

IRS Letter of Determination (393KB PDF)
©2017 MSC, Inc./ HCC Policies & Terms

If you have any comments or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.